We build our
Specialist Network

Nexus Health IPA is a medical group that makes YOU the priority! Benefits include:

Diabetic Specialized Program: We provide FREE testing for early detection & management, along with helping you choose the right health plan that focuses on chronic conditions.

Healthy Living Rewards Program: Earn rewards for taking an active role in your healthy lifestyle.

Chronic Care Management: Our care coordinators work in conjunction with your primary care provider to help you be proactive with your chronic conditions.

Let us know how we can be of service…

Nexus Health IPA Benefits to Seniors:

Instant Specialist Referrals

There’s no need for your patients to wait to see a Specialist. With the large network of local specialists on our panel you can provide an instant referral before your patient leaves your office.

Upcoming Events

Healthy Living Club

We Reward our senior members who take an active role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Nexus offers creative incentives to your patients for completing their annual wellness visits, making healthy food choices and participating in an exercise program that works for them.


Chronic Care Management

Our team of Nexus Care Coordinators manage non-face-to-face care to qualified beneficiaries at a time most convenient to them. We better manage patient’s chronic care conditions which improve overall patient care.

FREE Ancillary Testing

Deemed medically appropriate across a variety of medical specialties, this simple, yet powerful diagnostic tool provides quantitative assessments of the autonomic nervous system. Testing can be administered once a year or can be repeated as needed to evaluate progress.

Extensive Health Plan Partners

We work with many of today’s most popular health plans so Seniors can take advantage of Nexus benefits.